January General Membership Meeting
Title: January General Membership Meeting
Location: Camp Ticonderoga
Link out: Click here
Description: Presenter: Jason Davis, Orvis Royal Oak General Manager
Topic: Winter Trout Fishing in Michigan
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2015-01-13
End Time: 21:30… Read the rest
June 10th Membership Meeting
June 10th Membership Meeting, 6PM til….
We will be having our June meeting at the Rochester Municipal Park on Paint Creek. This event is a fishing outing. While there stop by the north end of the park at Ludlow Avenue and check out the new angler access completed by our chapter and the city of Rochester Hills.
This new access is part of the city’s stream restoration and improvement program that started last fall. If you haven’t been out to see the changes, come on out and see what a great job this project has turned out to be.… Read the rest