Veteran’s Outing
The CVTU Veteran’s Outing

Many national organizations provide support for our military veterans. Many of those organizations use the sport we love, fly fishing, as a tool that helps veterans to heal. Trout Unlimited is one of those national organizations. The Clinton Valley Chapter (CVTU) recently became one of TU’s chapters to focus efforts on our veterans.
During CVTU’S strategic planning discussions, increased community involvement was identified as a goal for the Chapter. The CVTU board discussed numerous ways to improve their community involvement with one option being a veterans’ event that would say thank you for our veterans’ service … Read the rest
Fly Fishing School
The Clinton Valley Chapter hosted our first Youth Fly Fishing Program in about 10 years in 2019. It was a great event and we hosted about 10 children that day.

In an effort to help foster enthusiasm for the sport of fly fishing with our local youth, our chapter is working on a great half day program for some students that participate in our 12 sponsored Salmon in the Classroom programs. During this new program students will participate in the following fly fishing related classes:
- Rod set-up & rigging
- Basic fly rod casting
- Aquatic insects & fly selection
- Fish species &
Imagine this… It’s opening morning of trout season. You’ve made your way down to the banks of Paint Creek. The water is cold and clean with a slight mist hitting the air. You’ve fished same section last season and know it well. After selecting your opening day fly pattern you make a perfect cast behind a boulder Mother Nature must have put there just for a trout to hide behind. Within seconds a beautiful Paint Creek brown trout takes your fly and you bring him quickly to hand. You admire your first Paint Creek trout of the year then slowly slide him back into the … Read the rest